The Mixed-Use of Morvarid Genaveh
The Morvarid is located in the westernmost part of the Genaveh port along the coastline of the city. The total area of the site is 19024 square meters and the total area is about 80,000 square meters. The complex includes commercial, recreational, sporting, two-floor hotel parking basements in the basement, and has a logical combination of micro-activities for each user and according to the mixed-use ", Has brought diversity, vitality and functional life.Considering an area of more than 7800 square meters of green and open space in terraces is one of the architectural features of the project's stepping stone to reach the green space in the highlands. The private hiking path (rings attached) to the sports complex on the third floor gives you a vast, vast view of the Gulf.
The complex has many amenities such as a gym, a swimming pool, a hypermarket, a large fitness center, a game room, a movie theater, a restaurant, a caravan, a hotel support service, and more. The project seeks to maximize the visibility and visibility of the sea with modern design and reach the sea and increase the permeability of individuals to various sectors with multiple access to the various levels through vertical communication of the project.